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We help you design, conduct and analyse N of 1 trials and single case experimental designs (SCEDs)

Finally, a clinical trials company specialising in N of 1 trials and SCEDs! Led by world-renowned experts with a combined 48 years of experience, we help you conduct rigorous clinical trials with fewer participants, saving you both time and money.
Bill Phillips, WaveNeuro
"N-of-1 Hub were very responsive and engaged, working with us to determine the optimal protocol using the N-of-1 design. We worked together to develop the N-of-1 protocol because it allowed us to perform a thorough, sham-controlled study without requiring a large patient population. We had a very positive experience with N-of-1 Hub. They were at all times responsive, engaged, and very thorough. We are currently evaluating additional studies in various conditions, and always look for ways to use the N-of-1 protocol design due to its ease of implementation and suitability for individualised treatments like personalized rTMS, especially if the condition is found in limited patient population sizes."
Dr Chris Oliver, Oliver Nutrition
"N-of-1 Hub was of great assistance in helping us develop our protocols for a migraine trial using a single-case design. They expertly applied knowledge to our clinical situation and were extremely professional and easy to work with. We are a firm believer that single-case designs have a very important role to play in future nutraceutical research. We highly recommend N-of-1 Hub."
Dr Ali Crichton, Monash Health
"N-of-1 Hub has provided mentoring on the use of use of N-of-1 trial methodology in an Australian-first N-of-1 trial of ADHD medication in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. N-of-1 Hub's extensive experience in trial design using N-of-1 methodologies, rich understanding of the nuance of N-of-1 trial management, and collaborative, friendly nature has facilitated high quality research and allowed us to easily overcome hurdles as they’ve arisen!"
University of Denmark Team
"The workshop gave a very good overview of the SCED field, its terminology, strengths and weaknesses. There was also an opportunity to ask questions and clear up misunderstandings. The presenters were well-articulated and explained things in an understandable way with good examples. Extremely likely to recommend to others."
University of Ottawa Team
"It was one of the best presentations. Well organized, at appropriate level, and with enthusiasm that makes me want to learn more. Extremely well done. Thank you so much for introducing me to such an exciting area."
University of Southern California Team
"N-of-1 Hub has provided our research team with timelines for all aspects to complete the project, including writing for publication. Our research will be successful, only because N-of-1 Hub rescued us when we were stuck. I would highly recommend them for any academic (or other) medical researcher interested in N-of-1 trials or single case designs or investigating rare conditions with heterogenous outcomes. No study or part of a study is too small. The services are highly flexible and available to meet your research aims and schedule, including enlightening you and your team to what you actually need"
N of 1 trials and single case experimental designs (SCEDs) have the potential to revolutionise the way clinical medicine is practised and clinical research is conducted. These designs are personalised clinical trials because they focus on the individual.
N of 1 trials and SCEDs can tell us which treatment works best for an individual. This is in contrast to traditional clinical trials, which tell us which treatments are effective on average. These designs can apply the rigour and principles of traditional clinical trials (e.g. blinding, randomisation) to tests of treatment and interventions in the individual. N of 1 trials and single case experimental designs can improve patient engagement in their own health. A series of N of 1 trials or SCEDs can be aggregated to provide added value.
N-of-1 Hub works with companies in the pharmaceutical, medtech, complementary medicine, digital health, and medicinal cannabis sectors to test their products using N of 1 trials and single case experimental designs. N-of-1 Hub also works with universities, healthcare researchers, clinicians and CROs.

Testing pharmaceuticals with N-of-1 trials

Complementary medicines

Health treatments

Testing pharmaceuticals with N-of-1 trials

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